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~Summer~ Gate

Updated: Jan 30, 2019

廈, the first character of 廈門 Xiàmén, is a homophone for 夏, meaning summer. My time in 廈門, China was a short little trip but full. It was a quick ferry ride over and about 50 USD roundtrip. I was running on less than 6 hours of sleep; I was hella tired, but the weekend getaway was much needed. In some aspects, the hustle and bustle of Xiamen reminded me of Los Angeles... or maybe I was homesick and just seeing things. I saw a Universal Studios look-a-like, streets that reminded me of Hollywood, Pizza Hut, and a shopping center like FIGat7th. Take a look at the photos yourself!

About the Blogger

Vanessa received a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant award to Taiwan.  This blog is her own and in no way reflects the opinions of the US Department of State, US Government, Fulbright Program, or the Taiwanese Government.

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