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Getting Lucky, Learning and Loving

It's May and the school year ends on June 28th. tbh: I've teared up/cried multiple times these past couple of weeks for many different...

Falling in Love with Life

My fellow ETAs and I have completed our first semester as the foreign English teacher at our schools, and I am so proud of us. We began...

~Summer~ Gate

廈, the first character of 廈門 Xiàmén, is a homophone for 夏, meaning summer. My time in 廈門, China was a short little trip but full. It was...

Lesson Plan: Día de los Muertos

Objective Students will be able to compare and contrast Day of the Dead and Tomb Sweeping Day. Basic Vocabulary Day of the Dead Tomb...

Most Annoying or Best Comedians

Here will be a collection of the things that some of my students say that makes me laugh but gets them in trouble by the real English...

How I Named My Scooter

My scooter is brown and black and such a beaut. It took me a while to think of a name for it. There was “jee-tah” (a combination of 機車...


*Content warning: strong language* The timer starts. One. Two. Three. “Ohhh s!*t! I need to slow down!” These were my thoughts during the...

When You Miss Trash Day

Garbage is collected almost every single day here, while recyclables are collected on two specific days. Honestly, I thought I would...

Summer of Service

This summer has been the most interesting and tiring service I have ever done. This service was pretty basic though; it included...


the thought of traveling is the thought of arriving but the act of leaving comes first.

So Let Me Count the Ways

The Fulbright ETA Application process started around early August and ended in October. I wanted to give up so many times and turn in...

About the Blogger

Vanessa received a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant award to Taiwan.  This blog is her own and in no way reflects the opinions of the US Department of State, US Government, Fulbright Program, or the Taiwanese Government.

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