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Most Annoying or Best Comedians

Updated: Apr 7, 2019

Here will be a collection of the things that some of my students say that makes me laugh but gets them in trouble by the real English teacher:

I asked my ninth graders what month are we in. Blank stares. "What month? Month? What month?" Then, Mark goes, "What month... yīqǐ xué miāo jiào." Yoooo! Too freakin' funny! And we had some Australian guests sitting in on that class too!

"Can you say gravesites?" (We were learning about Día de los Muertos.)

"Gray sigh... gray sigh."


"Eh. Sigh?! HAHAHA"

"What? What happened?"

"Sigh is poop!! HAHAHA"

These kids are already bilingual, speaking Mandarin and Taiwanese. Wow. They're about to trilingual. I hope they always remember how cool they are.

Edison is supposed to be cleaning the school grounds with the rest of his classmates. But no. He is ready to sprint across the yard to jump over the corner bush with his friends standing in the corner watching him. "Teacher. Look I can jump over this." LOL "No Edison!!"

Good morning Teacher Banana.

Novak was presenting his invention with Sam to his immediate left. "It can run..." Sam looked at him intently, waiting for Novak to finish his sentence. Then, Novak BELCHES so loud that poor Sam flinches.

About the Blogger

Vanessa received a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant award to Taiwan.  This blog is her own and in no way reflects the opinions of the US Department of State, US Government, Fulbright Program, or the Taiwanese Government.

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